Juniperus chinensis unglazed round pot 15cm, height ~23cm
Outdoor Bonsai - Chinese juniper - Japan
Zanthoxylum piperitum groene rectangular pot 16cm, height ~26cm
Indoor Bonsai - Chinese pepper - Indonesia
Article code 4432-BM-R4
out of stock
Outdoor Bonsai - Japanese maple - Japan
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Acer palmatum 'Beni chidori' green ovalpot 17cm, height 34cm
Outdoor Bonsai - Japanese maple - Japan
Buxus harlandii rectangular brown pot, height ~26cm
Indoor Bonsai - Harland Boxwood - Indonesië
Buxus harlandii matte brown rectangular pot 16cm, height ~28cm
Indoor Bonsai - Harland boxwood - Indonesia
Article code 6028
in stock
Garden tree - Japanese yew - Japan** The price does not include transport cost (it is also possible to come and pick it up ) Please contact us for shipping pricing.
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Taxus Cuspidata ca 2.70 meter
Garden tree - Japanese yew - Japan** The price does not include transport cost (it is also possible to come and pick it up ) Please contact us for shipping pricing.
Carmona microphylla broom green rectangular pot 20cm, height ~32cm
Indoor Bonsai - Fukien Tea - China
Pinus parviflora ongeglazuurde ronde pot 12cm, height ~24cm
Outdoor Bonsai - Japanese white pine - Japan
Ulmus parviflora roots over rock blue oval pot 20cm, height ~34cm
Outdoor Bonsai - Chinese Elm - Japan